The Jews have
suffered for more than 2,000 years to get to their homeland
and always had to fight in order to survive. Since the
birth of the state of Israel, this country has experienced
continuous tension and wars. Countless terrorist atrocities
have been committed against Jews around the world. These
circumstances have created a need to develop new warfare
and survival methods. This has resulted in the unique
survival system known as Hisardut®.
In Hebrew the
word "Hisardut" literally means survival. Because
survival is the bottom line in any fight, it's not how
good your moves look, but who stays alive at the end of
the struggle. In Israel it is known as Dennis Survival
Ju Jitsu™ to honor its founder Dennis Hanover.
Dr. Dennis
Hanover is a 9th Degree Black Belt and the founder of
the system. Born in South African-born he immigrated to
Israel in 1960 where he was one of the first to introduce
the martial arts in the early '60s. After achieving top
belt and recognition in several martial arts (mainly Judo,
Jiu Jitsu and Kyukoshinkai Karate under Mas Oyama), he
decided to develop Hisardut® as a more applicable
answer to the threats and challenges facing people in
modern society. In the early 80's he began teaching the
Israeli Special Forces units who were looking for a more
advanced close combat method than the basic Krav Maga
program taught to regular IDF troops. In 1987, he was
commissioned by the army to develop the new counter-terrorist
program called LOTAR (Acronym for Lochama B'Terror) that
has been in use since.
Dr. Hanover
and his two sons, Yaron and Guy together with a small
cadre of leading Hisardut® instructors have trained
the most elite units of the Israeli military: members
of the Chief of Staff Reconnaissance Unit (Sayeret Matkal),
the Naval Commandos (Shayetet 13), the Israeli Anti-Terrorist
Units (Yamom) and the border patrol riot suppression teams
(Mishmar Hagvul). In addition, top Hisardut® instructors
are actively teaching advanced levels of the system to
the Israeli Internal Secret Service (Shin Beth) and the
diplomatic protection and Air Marshal Teams as well as
undercover units of the Israeli Police (Mishtara Semuya).